You can add a basic listing to our directory for free! This includes your business name, website address, short description and 1 image.
Looking for regular promotion of your subscription box? Our annual featured listings get weekly across our social media accounts, as well as featured billing here on site too.
• A front page featured listings advert
• Advert in sidebar of directory (as part of a rotation)
• Your featured listing always appears on top of the regular listing
• 10 images allowed in your listing
• Unlimited description length
• Blog post announcing your arrival on site
• Link to your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter pages
• Advertise special offers/discount codes
• Regular social media support across The Subscription Box Directory social channels (10K + followers)
Annual Featured Listing is just £30 PER YEAR!
We also have a monthly option, which is perfect if you have a special offer that you’re running and you’re looking for extra advertising/social media support for just the one month.
• Your featured listing appears on top of the regular listing
• Advert in sidebar of directory (as part of a rotation)
• Unlimited description content length – you can write as much as you like in the description so that potential customers can really know what you’re about
• Link to your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter pages
• Advertise special offers/discount codes
• Regular social media support to our 10K + audience across our social media channels
Monthly Featured Listing is just £10 PER MONTH (rolling contract, cancel any time)
You can edit the information on your listing whenever you like, so you can keep the content fresh and up-to-date.
Click here to choose your listing option and add your subscription box to the directory